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Cacao Ceremony

  • By Amy Ruth 2745 West Layton Avenue #102 Greenfield, WI, 53221 United States (map)

Join Amy Ruth, Soul Coach® and meditation expert, as she guides you through a journey into your higher heart with the assistance of the ancient and sacred plant medicine, cacao. The experience will lift brain fog and relieve stress. It’ll connect you to the energies of your heart and higher heart chakra, the seat of your soul. This connection can prompt deep ancestral healing and the relief of limited thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back from truly living life to the fullest. 

The use of cacao dates back to 3,900 years ago in Central America. Cacao was a plant of central importance to the Olmec, Zapotec, Mayans and Aztecs. We can work with this sacred plant medicine in different ways. Cacao ceremonies are helpful for getting clarity, setting intentions, and doing healing work and inner-processing. Being in a sacred space helps you get out of your normal frame of mind, allowing you to experience new insights and perspectives. Sharing cacao brings us into the same energetic frequency. This often results in a deeper intimate connection with ourselves and each other. 

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