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Online Chakra Healing Workshop

  • Via Google Meets Online (map)

Do you feel disconnected from yourself or others? Are you wanting to have more energy and motivation in your day to day life? Do you crave for more balance and sparks joy in your life?

The disconnection that you feel and lack of energy are symptoms of having unbalanced chakras. Chakras are energy centers within your aura and they can become unbalanced due to an array of reasons from constantly overworking yourself, to holding on to unprocessed trauma or consistently having negative thought patterns. 

The good news is that once you become aware of these blockages, YOU have the power and ability to balance and heal your chakras. Healing your chakras is life changing! You will feel connected to yourself and the world around you, have energy to do the things you love, and feel balanced in all areas of your life. This feeling can bring about a sense of joy and contentment that you’ve been longing for. 

Join Amy Ruth as she guides you through the major chakra system. In this three hour workshop she’ll explain the intricacies of each chakra,  detailing the signs of balance and imbalance across physical, emotional, and mental aspects. You'll learn to use a pendulum to discern the state of your chakras and acquire techniques to restore balance. This knowledge is aimed at empowering your inner healing journey and facilitating positive progression.

As part of the in-person workshop, each participant will receive a complimentary pendulum. You’ll leave understanding how to discern the chakras that are in need of healing and practical techniques to use on a daily basis to heal them.

April 14

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April 26

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